Since she was born on January 27, 2022, baby Grace has only spent a total of 11 days at home on the family farm in Raymore, SK. After being rushed to Saskatchewan’s Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital via air ambulance on February 24, 2022, Grace has resided there ever since.

The decision to transport Grace to Saskatoon for care was a difficult one. It’s far from the farm and Grace’s mom, Amanda, would be far away from her husband, Paul, and their other two children, but it was a decision that would ultimately save Grace’s life.

Diagnosed with a rare disease called Klippel-Feil syndrome type 4, Grace is one of 15 documented cases in the world and the only known case ever in Canada. Klippel-Feil syndrome type 4 is known as a fusion of bones within the spine, bone abnormalities, and low muscle tone. The disease is extremely rare and there isn’t much information on it, which brought a new challenge to the medical team in charge of Grace’s care.

In the months Grace has spent within the walls of JPCH, she has undergone five surgeries, many unknowns, and even more complications, but that hasn’t stopped her from fighting. With a disease so rare, there is little information for their family on the life expectancy for Grace or what her future will look like.

Although the plan is for Grace to be discharged once home care for her has been hired, it won’t mark the end of their time at the children’s hospital. Because of the incredible care Grace has received at JPCH, Amanda and Grace will continue to make the two-hour trip from Raymore to Saskatoon to receive future treatment. Learn more about the 2022 Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Radiothon presented by CIBC Wood Gundy here.


Grace’s Miracle Story Sponsor:



Want to become a Hometown Hero? Donate $2,500 or more through your organization or on your own in honour of one of nine Miracle Children for Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Radiothon presented by CIBC Wood Gundy. If you wish to be a Hometown Hero, give us a call at 1-888-808-KIDS and let us know who you’d like to donate towards, or make a donation online. Your company logo will appear under that child’s personal fundraising page.


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$6,690 raised of $5,000 goal.

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