

Age: 13
Hometown: Grenfell
Condition: Type 1 Diabetes

Carter from Grenfell, SK, seemed like a typical ten-year-old, but in 2021, his family started to see some changes in his health and behavior.

Carter’s parents Whitney and Jeremy noticed some weight-loss, irritability, frequent urination, fatigue and increased hunger – symptoms that could be mistaken as a growth spurt or puberty.

While things didn’t seem alarming at first, it seemed like something could be wrong at a family gathering over the Christmas holidays.

“My mom mentioned how when he was at her place a few days prior, she could not keep his water bottle full. He was always thirsty. My dad commented that he looked like he was going to fall asleep at the table and did not have his usual pep. My cousin commented that she had noticed he was pale and that he had dark circles under his eyes,” Whitney said about her family’s observations about Carter.

Whitney’s mom, a retired nurse, suggested they check his blood sugar. It was extremely high, and they immediately went to the hospital. Tests confirmed what they suspected – Carter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

“Those first few days were a whirlwind. There was so much to learn and so many emotions,” Whitney said.

Carter and his family have spent the past two years monitoring and navigating life with type 1 diabetes while making sure he can still be a kid. They see a Pediatric Endocrinologist at Saskatchewan’s Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital twice a year for blood work and to review recent glucose levels, which helps Carter manage his diabetes.

However, Carter knows he is much more than his diagnosis and he doesn’t let it define him. Carter is a compassionate, responsible kid with a great sense of humour. He enjoys playing ball and hockey, spending time with friends and farming with his uncle and grandpa.

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