July 12, 2016
Ultrasound Donation Puts Saskatchewan NICU at the Forefront of Care
It’s been over 20 years since they last spent time in NICU, but for 3 years it seemed like Vincent and Michelle Dziadyk were permanent residents.
Daughter Toni, and sons Levi and Drew were all born premature and spent several weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Saskatoon until they were healthy enough to go home. It was a difficult period for the young parents and one that they never forgot. While the kids, ranging in age from 21-24, are now healthy, it left a lasting impression on the couple.
The family has generously made a donation to purchase a cutting edge piece of NICU equipment called an Epiq Ultrasound System. The system is only available in a few children’s hospitals across the country.
“Life is precious,” say Vincent and Michelle Dziadyk, “but a new life is very precious.”
The Dziadyk family recently scheduled a special visit to the NICU to see the new system in action, while it captured a 3D colour image of a premature baby’s heart functions.
“Bedside use of ultrasound has started to influence the management of sick newborn in NICU,” says neonatologist Dr. Sibasis Daspal, who toured the Dziadyk family through NICU. “This ultrasound machine will not be the exception to that and will help to serve our children better.”
The new equipment will help the NICU team assess vital organ functions like the heart and will guide treatment in NICU for procedures like ultrasound-guided fluid aspiration. The system will be an essential piece of equipment to train other staff and will play a significant role in research activities. As with many donor-funded equipment purchases, the Epiq Ultrasound system will be transferred to the new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan when the doors open in 2019.
There are many life-saving pieces of equipment needed for our new Children’s Hospital of Saskatchewan. Please consider joining the Dziadyk family and make a gift to help keep Saskatchewan kids healthy!