April 26, 2017
Celebrating #NationalVolunteerWeek: Meet One of the Key Volunteers Behind the Jeans & Jewels Gala
Those who are willing to devote time and effort towards making a difference in the lives of Saskatchewan kids never go unnoticed. Raymonde (Ray) Earle is no exception – since 2003 she has been dedicated to helping build brighter futures for Saskatchewan children and families by volunteering on the gala committee. The mother of two is one of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation longest serving volunteers.
“I am continually motivated to do more each day, especially as we learn how donations are being used,” says Raymonde, who is a driving force behind the gala’s well-known silent action. “We are able to see how the stress is being taken off parents and kids with brand new equipment and pediatric care.”
According to Statistics Canada, Saskatchewan has the highest rate of volunteerism in Canada. For Raymonde, it was as simple as reaching out to the Foundation after hearing about a volunteer opportunity from a friend. She started in small ways but became more extensively involved over the past few years.
Along with being a gala volunteer, Raymonde has been able to experience first-hand how lending a helping hand has transformed the way Saskatchewan kids receive care. Walking through the doors of the current facilities and seeing how enhanced it is becoming year after year in her hometown of Saskatoon is what makes the experience so worthwhile for Raymonde. With the opening of the new children’s hospital approaching in 2019, she especially looks forward to seeing what the past few years of volunteer work is building towards.
“Volunteers such as Raymonde have been dedicating themselves to our cause for years. Her commitment is greatly valued by our Foundation; she has lifted our events to higher levels through her gifts of time and expertise,” explains Brynn Boback-Lane, President and CEO of Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation. “We are very grateful for the time and effort given so generously by our volunteers for events like the Children’s Hospital Jeans & Jewels Gala, the Children’s Hospital Radiothons, and community fundraisers across Saskatchewan. Volunteers are essential in reaching more people, raising more money, and helping more children and families across the province.”
“If you’re interested in making a difference, get involved for at least one day a year,” says Raymonde. “You’d be surprised at how easy it is and how much your help is needed.”
Learn more about how you can help by visiting our Volunteer page or filling out an Application Form to get started.